Our School
Map to Tierra Antigua
Tierra Antigua Elementary School is located at: 8121 Rainbow Blvd NW, Albuquerque, NM 87114
Our Mission
Engage, Empower, Educate (E 3 )
Our Vision
Create a safe, positive, and caring community that promotes academic excellence.
Our Values
Diversity, Collaboration, Respect, and Perseverance
Our Goals
Working collaboratively, we will ensure that all students reach their academic potential.
Firebirds SOAR
Due to the number of students at Tierra Antigua, we had to make some changes to our drop off and pick up procedures.
In the Morning
Only buses, school staff, kindergarten, and handicap vehicles will be allowed to enter the north side. Important: no parent parking is allowed in the bus/staff area at any time.
In the Afternoon
Kindergarten parents and handicapped labeled vehicles will be able to drive up the back of the school (north side) for pick-up of kindergarten students and handicap parking. You will then exit to the right and exit the way you came. Kindergarten parents must have their pick up information displayed so that staff can let them into the kinder loop to pick up their students. Important: Gates will not be opened until 2:15.
1st through 5th-grade students will still be dropped off and picked up in the same location on the south side. Please note: there will be no access from the south side, drop off/pick up area, to the front of the building. Traffic will be blocked. If you need to come to the office you will have to park and walk in.
Remember to stay in the correct lane of traffic. Please be patient when dropping off or picking up your students as the staff is working hard to assure the safety of all students. We strongly recommend adding extra time, as the area around this school is very congested during drop off and pick up times.
Thank you for your support of student safety!