Pick-Up/Drop-Off Procedures
In the morning, STAFF IS ON DUTY BY 7:15 No kids, other than RGEC will be allowed on the property until duties are present. ONLY buses, school staff, kindergarten and handicap vehicles will be allowed to enter the north side.
No parent parking is allowed in the bus/staff area at any time.
In the afternoon, kindergarten parents, and handicapped labeled vehicles will be able to drive up the back of the school (north side) for pick-up if kindergarten students and handicapped parking. You will then exit to the right and exit the way you came. Kindergarten parents must have their pick-up information displayed so that staff can let them into the kinder loop to pick up their students. Gates will not be opened until 3:15. The red route (south side) is for parents of students first through fifth grade for both morning and afternoon. (Please follow the directions of the duty teachers, they ensure safety for all.)